Wednesday, January 28, 2015


And on some days, your ex-father-in-law calls you at work to remind you that he still loves you and that you're always welcome to come visit him in Arizona.


I confess that one of the hardest parts is missing that family.  I knew them for close to half of my life.  I still talk now and then to a sister-in-law or get a facebook message from a niece or nephew or even a call from his grandma so deep in dementia that she thinks we're still together.  "Sorry grandma, he's at class.  Why don't you try his cell..."

It's not avoidance really.  It's partly keeping myself out of the gossip.  Accepting that someone else has stepped hard into my old spot.  And maybe not putting myself into a situation where I let it slip exactly how much lying bullshit I was dealt during that marriage.

Anyway, I thanked him for checking in, told him that I loved him too, and promised to let him know if I was in the area.

Awww man, life is tough some days.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How subtle is the gift of memory?

A friend had a spare ticket to see a play over the weekend, and I jumped at the chance to go.  The show Isolde was interesting.  Spare set, a handful of actors, and a way of telling a story that was a bit new to me.

I adored the character of Patrick and the musings on memory and one's place in the scheme of things.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Friday, January 16, 2015

What looks like home

Painted Landscapes has artwork that covers the range of scenery throughout the United States.  The variety is wide, and I found some artists and pieces that resonated with me.  That said, not a whole lot of them looked like my home - my childhood home in rural Ohio.

Still I loved Olancha by Michael Gregory:

Friday, January 2, 2015

Rock candy

I gifted maaaaaaany folks with this cinnamon candy this winter. It's not very hard to make and looks pretty all done up in mason jars. Bonus - it made my house smell like heaven while I was making it.